/script PetAttack()
/script for i=1,16,1 do if (UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) then if (string.find(UnitBuff ("player",i),"Mon")~=nil) then CastSpellByName("雄鹰守护(等级 4)");break;end end if(i==16) then CastSpellByName("猎人印记(等级 3)");end end
/script for i=1,16,1 do if (UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) then if (string.find(UnitBuff("player",i),"Mon")~=nil) then CastSpellByName("猛禽一击(等级 6)");break;end end if(i==16) then CastSpellByName("灵猴守护");end end
/施放 猫鼬撕咬(等级 3)
/script local T; for i=0,15,1 do T=UnitDebuff("target", i); if (T and string.find (T,"Trip")) then break; end; end; if (T and string.find (T,"Trip")) then CastSpellByName("猛禽一击(等级 6)"); else CastSpellByName("摔绊(等级 2)"); PetAttack() end
/script local T; for i=1,16,1 do T=UnitDebuff("target", i); if (T and string.find (T,"AimedShot")) then break; end; end; if (T and string.find (T,"AimedShot")) then PetAttack(); else CastSpellByName("蝰蛇钉刺(等级 2)"); end;
/script local T; for i=1,16,1 do T=UnitDebuff("target", i); if (T and string.find (T,"Quickshot")) then break; end; end; if (T and string.find (T,"Quickshot")) then PetAttack(); else CastSpellByName("毒蛇钉刺(等级 6)"); end;