标题: [pyqt5]PyQt5学习笔记5_QTableView中嵌入复选框(三)checkbox选择框状态单独列分离版,鼠标停留在单元格时,通过tooltip显示当前勾选的状态 [打印本页]
作者: awagink 时间: 2021-1-11 15:31
标题: [pyqt5]PyQt5学习笔记5_QTableView中嵌入复选框(三)checkbox选择框状态单独列分离版,鼠标停留在单元格时,通过tooltip显示当前勾选的状态
开发环境:PyQt 5.5.1 Python 3.4.4
How can I insert a checkbox into the header of my view?
Adding checkBox as vertical header in QtableView
- import sys
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QHeaderView, QStyle, QStyleOptionButton, QTableView)
- from PyQt5.QtCore import (pyqtSignal, Qt, QAbstractTableModel, QModelIndex, QRect, QVariant)
- # https://wiki.qt.io/Technical_FAQ#How_can_I_insert_a_checkbox_into_the_header_of_my_view.3F
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30932528/adding-checkbox-as-vertical-header-in-qtableview
- class CheckBoxHeader(QHeaderView):
- clicked = pyqtSignal(bool)
- _x_offset = 3
- _y_offset = 0
- _width = 20
- _height = 20
- def __init__(self, orientation=Qt.Horizontal, parent=None):
- super(CheckBoxHeader, self).__init__(orientation, parent)
- self.isOn = False
- def paintSection(self, painter, rect, logicalIndex):
- painter.save()
- super(CheckBoxHeader, self).paintSection(painter, rect, logicalIndex)
- painter.restore()
- self._y_offset = int((rect.height()-self._width)/2.)
- if logicalIndex == 0:
- option = QStyleOptionButton()
- option.rect = QRect(rect.x() + self._x_offset, rect.y() + self._y_offset, self._width, self._height)
- option.state = QStyle.State_Enabled | QStyle.State_Active
- if self.isOn:
- option.state |= QStyle.State_On
- else:
- option.state |= QStyle.State_Off
- self.style().drawControl(QStyle.CE_CheckBox, option, painter)
- def mousePressEvent(self, event):
- index = self.logicalIndexAt(event.pos())
- if 0 == index:
- x = self.sectionPosition(index)
- if x + self._x_offset < event.pos().x() < x + self._x_offset + self._width and self._y_offset < event.pos().y() < self._y_offset + self._height:
- if self.isOn:
- self.isOn = False
- else:
- self.isOn = True
- self.clicked.emit(self.isOn)
- self.update()
- super(CheckBoxHeader, self).mousePressEvent(event)
- class MyModel(QAbstractTableModel):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- super(MyModel, self).__init__(parent)
- # Keep track of which object are checked
- self.checkList = ['Checked', 'Unchecked']
- def rowCount(self, QModelIndex):
- return len(self.checkList)
- def columnCount(self, QModelIndex):
- return 2
- def data(self, index, role):
- row = index.row()
- col = index.column()
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- return 'Row %d, Column %d' % (row + 1, col + 1)
- elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
- if col == 0:
- return Qt.Checked if self.checkList[row] == 'Checked' else Qt.Unchecked
- elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
- if col == 0:
- return self.checkList[row]
- return QVariant()
- def setData(self, index, value, role):
- row = index.row()
- col = index.column()
- if role == Qt.CheckStateRole and col == 0:
- self.checkList[row] = 'Checked' if value == Qt.Checked else 'Unchecked'
- return True
- def flags(self, index):
- if index.column() == 0:
- return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable
- return Qt.ItemIsEnabled
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
- if section == 0:
- return 'Title 1'
- elif section == 1:
- return 'Title 2'
- def headerClick(self, isOn):
- self.beginResetModel()
- if isOn:
- self.checkList = ['Checked', 'Checked']
- else:
- self.checkList = ['Unchecked', 'Unchecked']
- self.endResetModel()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- a = QApplication(sys.argv)
- tableView = QTableView()
- myModel = MyModel()
- tableView.setModel(myModel)
- header = CheckBoxHeader()
- tableView.setHorizontalHeader(header)
- header.clicked.connect(myModel.headerClick)
- tableView.show()
- a.exec_()
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